Guru Nanak College of Nursing

Teaching Methodology


Philosophy & Objectives


The faculty of Guru Nanak College of Nursing, Gopalpur believes that:

Health is a state of well being that enables a person to lead a psychologically, socially and economically productive life Nursing contributes to health services in a vital and significant way. Scope of nursing practice encompasses provision of promotive, preventive, curative and rehabilitative aspects of care to people across their life span in wide variety of health settings.

Teaching learning is a dynamic interactive sharing of knowledge that stimulates lifelong learning for both learner and educator. We believe that both learner and faculty are responsible for a collaborative teaching learning process. Students are responsible for engaging in learning opportunities while faculty are responsible for providing innovative nursing education based on theory and evidence.

Nursing education prepare graduates to practice within the established professional guidelines and standards. The teaching learning processes fosters intellectual and personal growth, stimulates critical thinking and helps the individual to value and pursue lifelong learning.


  • The baccalaureate education prepares students to think critically and to make clinical judgments that promote, restore and maintain health. They are prepared to function as professional nurses in the hospital, nursing institutions and community setting to provide comprehensive nursing care and quality nursing education to future nursing students.
  • The postgraduate nurses are prepared to function in a leadership position in selected area of clinical speciality, nursing education, nursing administration and in nursing research.